Watching the “Little’s” grow

One of the most rewarding aspects about being behind the camera is getting to watch so many precious little ones grow up.  It is always amazing to me how much they change and it is  such a reminder to this momma, just how fast our time with our “littles” goes by.  I had never heard the term “littles” until I met my dear friend Candace.  She referred to her kiddos as the little’s and I just fell in love with that title for my kids.  Thanks Candace 🙂 I know for me personally, I want to keep my kids little forever and I think I will be referring to them as my little’s even when they are grown:)  Ok, so now that I am weepy and invisioning my kids at their graduation and walking down the aisle let me move on to tell you more about my session with one of my fabulous families.

I love that it is so evident how much this family loves their growing girls.  And I am so excited  to show how much Miss Sophie has grown since our first session, 6 months ago.  Big sis Chloe just celebrated her 7th birthday and it is obvious in these pics that she loves the camera and her little sister 🙂  Happy 7th birthday Miss Chloe and Happy 1/2 birthday to little Miss Sophie!  These next  photos are a couple of my favorites from  sweet Sophie’s newborn session.  Can’t believe she is already 6 mos old!


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1 Response to Watching the “Little’s” grow

  1. Deanna Mosier says:

    Hi Linde,
    very nice pics. I think it looks very interesting to take these baby pictures and other ones too. We miss you all!


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